Skin Care Review: Ultra Plumping Hydration Mask by Valentia (#ValentiaUltraPlumpingHydrationMask)

January 07, 2016

Product Description:

It claims to provide intense hydration to the skin leaving your skin glowing and healthy looking. It is made with organic and natural ingredients that penetrate the skin to repair and rescue dry and dull skin. In addition to provide moisture to the skin, it also has anti-aging agents that increases that production of collagen which helps to reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. It also improves the elasticity of the skin.Revealing a more rejuvenated and glowing complexion.

Current Price: : $23.99 (of $54.99)
Product URL:

My Skin:

Typically, I have oily and acne prone skin. Also, my skin is very sensitive to harsh chemicals and artificially fragrances. Due to my skin condition, I am always careful with any product I use on my skin. I tend to use more natural and organic products to avoid any undesirable reaction. Additionally, during the colder months my skin becomes a combination skin, a mixture of oily skin and dry skin. So I always try to provide my skin with moisture during these months.
First Impression:

When I first opened it, I got immediately curious to try it. It has a yellow color and a gel-like texture. Since I have oily skin, I really enjoy using gel moisturizers and masks because they not only add hydration but also are refreshing and do not make my skin greasy. Also, since I opened the jar, you can smell the sweet scent of the mask. At first, it smelled very fruity to me. But as I used it, it reminds me to the smell of candy. I did not mind the scent and I am glad that the smells only last during the application. Strangely, I am not into scents but I kind of like the scent and it added to the experience.

Application and Usage:

It is easy to apply and you only need a small amount. As I described earlier, it has a jelly consistency. As you apply it, it feels so refreshing and cooling. It soothes the skin. As you massage it, it becomes more watery and it lays on top of the skin. It is not absorb into the skin super fast and soon after you apply it, it has a tacky texture. As it is absorb the tackiness goes away but not completely. The directions warm us about a tingling sensation. I did experience it and I was nervous at first because those mask that claim to give a tingling sensation, I would describe it as a burning sensation (although non have literally burn my skin, but they are not pleasant or comfortable). This one did not irritated nor cause redness which I am so thankful. I did not feel the tingling all over my face, only in certain areas. (I wonder what it means? I know that some masks and skin products have face mapping capacities which helps you know which areas of your face are able to absorb products better.)

After I waited 30 minutes, the mask was completely dry and not so sticky. It is very easy to remove. It directions suggest using warm water and a washcloth but I remove it easily with my hands.


When I removed it, I was able to feel the difference. It made my face look brighter and fresh. But most of all, my skin felt so smooth. I follow with the rest of my skin care routine and the next day my skin felt great. I have enjoyed using this mask during the winter time.

Hydration: I would give it a 4.8/5 because it really provided moisture to my dry patches and it even out the texture of my skin.

Moisture retention: I would give it a 4/5. Since I started to use it, my skin is not so easily strip away from moisture. It does help a little bit.

Anti-aging: I give it a 4.9/5 because it leaves my skin feeling very smooth, plump and supple.

Glowing: I give it a 5/5. You will be able to notice a difference after the first treatment. It will not be magical but very noticeable.


  • Made with organic and natural ingredients
  • It has a gel-like texture and light consistency
  • It is so refreshing
  • It soothes my skin
  • It does not irritate or cause redness
  • It evens out my skin complexion
  • It adds moisture to my dry skin
  • It leaves my skin feel smooth and plump
  • It is easy to apply and use
  • A little bit goes a long way


  • I wish that it would come in a bottle with pump instead of a jar. For hygiene purposes and it would make even easier to use. Also, during my last treatment, I accidentally dropped the jar and I almost cry. I spill some of it and it was so sad.
  • I also that the description would include a complete list of the ingredients. I have added a picture of the list for you so hopefully it is helpful.

I have only been using it for a few of weeks, so my thoughts might change as I use it more and for a longer period of time. As of now, I am more than please with its performance and will continue to use it. I will be writing an update if I have any new information or observation to share that I found helpful for you.

****FTC - I received a discount for this product in exchanged for my honest and unbiased review. Compensation of any kind is never accepted in exchange for a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own based on my experience with the product and not edited by any companies mentioned. This is just my opinion, your experience with this product might be different. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. If my review was helpful to you, please let me know your thoughts.

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